>>21702351So the Issue is that If energy can neither be created or destroyed then your brain which we assume is the seat of your consciousness should be eternal. However you dont have any past recollections, there are quite a few solutions. The first is that your brain is just matter and that its recollections are only materially derived so even if the universe is eternal and essentially totally cyclical then your matter one day coming back together is all that is necessary to answer this. you are are immortal in a sense since this will simply loop back round though you will have no recollection .
the other solution (which comes from the fact that if all is eternal then surely your consciousness itself must also be eternal) is that your consciousness is continuous, which it obviously isn't since you dont have a recollection of the past (before your birth for instance). But if we assume this is a problem that isn't solved with the universe simply being an eternal loop. Then to cut a long story shirt it is explained by all events coming from one totally eternal source where you are in essence saved. DESU having types it out that sounds very similar. The difference is that, this isn't a loop, this material universe isn't eternal. It will end and Die. The only eternal version is essentially crystallised in an eternal realm.