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Personally I truly hate them. I was raised in Dixieland and my mother a turbo Christian taught me "everyone was equal", same with my father.
I became racist by interacting with them. They're ignorant, obnoxious, violent.
I've since worked my way up to become a district manager of a large company and in my professional experience and through some experiments I've discovered, on average I get about 80% of the work out of a black man as I do a white man 68% if it's a black woman.
What's worse is diversity quotas. It was bad enough working along side them for the same pay, with them fuck off and me picking up the slack
Now that I'm a manager to prevent the company from being sued for racism I'm forced to promote them at the same rate as every other race despite them being undeserving, often to the immense frustration of everyone else. Their turnover rate is also almost double.
Couple that with them breeding like roaches and all the single moms and niglets they leave in their wake, and how progressives like to kiss their feet and honestly?
They're next to worthless.
I have met quite a few very kind ones, and they are typically elderly. But as a whole, at this point in my life I'm filled with nothing but hatred towards them.