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i dont even consider myself the typical racist either, its not even a matter of skin color like most run of the mill racists. although i do find the appearance of most niggers fairly revolting that isnt the main problem. the problem is everything else about the nigger.
>low intelligence
>rude and inconsiderate to a point not thought possible
>cocky with little to back it up
>the culture of learned helplessness, oppression yet paradoxically at the same time it believes itself to be superior to all
>the nigger believes that it is somehow special or unique and that the world, specifically the white mans world owes it anything at all.
>but the most egregious sin of the nigger is that it was given a place in this world to join civilization but the nigger does not choose to live as an evolved human but rather it prefers the life of conflict. the life of the pavement ape.
the problem is that the punishment for behaving like a nigger does not typically match the crime. the nigger should be beaten out of every coon until it is no more. until the last nigger breathes its last and mankind is at last freed from this creature.