>>3105795Actually, we would've had it not been for a man by the name of Nicholas Trist; President Polk had given him orders to seek more territory and then recalled him from his post when it became clear he wasn't following orders. He continued his insubordination by failing to do that, and then crafted what became the Treaty of Guadeloupe-Hidalgo, which arrived in Washington just as the "All Mexico" movement was beginning to gain strength; the arrival of the Treaty before support could fully form dealt it a death blow, and gave rise to the situation we have today.
As far as today, I'm rather optimistic; Hispanics are rapidly adopting English, while back in Mexico their educational policy intends to make all bilingual with English within 20 years. Meanwhile, Hispanics are increasingly identifying as White, to the point the NYT has drawn attention to the fact this likely points to Hispanics in the long term ending up like the Irish and Italians (Not initially accepted as White, but are in the long term). Religiously, Catholicism is pretty well accepted in and is expected to become more so in the long run, but despite such American Hispanics are rapidly adopting Protestantism as are native Mexicans. Finally, Hispanic women are rapidly marrying with Whites, to the point they represent the largest interracial pairing in America.
>http://abcnews.go.com/ABC_Univision/News/study-latinos-learn-english-faster-german-immigrants/story?id=19428225>https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2017/03/15/mexico-wants-its-kids-speaking-english-as-well-as-spanish-within-20-years/?utm_term=.c4463e6e5937> http://prospect.org/article/latino-flight-whiteness>https://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/22/upshot/more-hispanics-declaring-themselves-white.html>http://www.pewhispanic.org/2007/04/25/changing-faiths-latinos-and-the-transformation-of-american-religion/>https://www.reuters.com/article/us-mexico-pope/protestants-on-the-rise-as-pope-visits-mexico-idUSBRE82L06E20120322