>>14403926ommitting the steps in between would not mean God didnt still create us. saying God didnt create us because of evolution is like saying "the builder didnt bild a house as he just stacked stones upon another, which then turned to walls, which formed rooms, that became an apartment which eventually made a house. so as you see, the builder did not build a house"
however yes, i believe makro evolution, as an unguided and random change through spobtanious mutation doesnt hold up for various reasons, pic related and the missing links between the species` being just 2 issues.
However genesis 3 gives hints at micro evolution. in example the snake is cursed to crawl on its belly, meaning it didnt do so before. likewise science tells us snakes had legs but lost them eventually.
similary the woman is cursed to give birth in great pain after eating the fruit of knowledge (of good and evil) while pretty much all animals give birth without any problems. The reasons humans have such great pain is thr babies big head, needed for the highly developed brains. so the aqquisition of knowledge led to the pain at birth for the woman as described by the bible