>>9907054Why you should become christian NOW:
>Disunited and shattered faith>Constant argument amongst each other, maybe a bit of war like in good ol days>Most christians are non Europeans>you get to be brother with niggers, mexicans, bugs>Its ok to breed black african cuties and racemix>you get to worship best god in history, one that ordered circumcisiom>You get to kill anyone not your type of christian regardless if they are white, black, good ol religious wars>You get finest wisdom in the world in form of Bible, written by...well..umm..newermind, god, yes, god>you get to turn the other cheekJoin now!
Fuck catholics, protestant, orthodox, evangelical, presbyterians you are heretic and my christianity is right, as heretic you will be murdered if you dont accept jesus in the right way.
My way!
>Europe on abrahamism, divided and sad.30 year war
French religious wars
Saxon wars
Wendish crusade
Livonian crusade
Danish crusade
Cathar crusade
Hussite crusade
War of three kingdoms
80 year war
>Religious wars in pagan europe, complete list:...