/SFG/ Skinny Fat General: solving the problem edition
Anonymous ID:wcVPivFt No.1473312 View ViewReport Quoted By:
>increased risk of heart disease
>increased risk of pulled muscles
>repels all THOTs (possible bonus)
>places you in the foundation dirt of the social totem pole
>clothes usually oversized, thus covering up what little bicep muscle mass you have
>can make lacing shoes/skates exponentially more difficult
>can be mistaken for fat fat when arms not visible and wearing baggy pants
>leads to poor posture
>popular dance moves don't translate well
>body blubber rubs against Axilla causing body odour
>online harassment
Who all here /skinny fat? Are there ways to reduce this? Should /skinny fats be ousted from society? Form their own band and breed deformed penguin-humanoid looking children? This is tragic condition affecting millions, and we should decide; as a society, what to do about skinny fattery in all it's ugly forms.