>>9777025So the virus is being theorized as a cover for something bigger going on.
Some guy who signed himself Q had dropped hints back in 2017 that line up with the timeline of this virus.
The idea is Trump is actually a good guy who is dismantling the super rich controlling class of people in our society, and is refreshing society.
It sounds crazy but things just keep... happening when they say they will happen.
The current situation is we were told a mass disclosure of the super rich and their actions against humanity (see pizzagate for the tip of the iceberg) would happen, and google being uncensored last night reveal previously buried/censored conspiracy information is now available everywhere.
Maybe it’s a ploy to keep people home and safe from the flu, but what I hope is that it’s a part of a very big plan to dismantle people who have done very, very bad things.
I admit, comet pizza really seemed strange. The guy jimmy, he had this ig that dropped terms regarding children that were slang for criminal actions.
His ig also had a cameo with Obama, some pics from the White House and he himself would post pics of bundles of cash.
If this all lines up like.. whew.