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What's up my niggas? Welcome to my blog post
Basically, I can't think long term anymore
Whenever I try to start a new project I just ask myself
>what's the point?
And, of course, there's never any real realistic point because everything has gone to shit or is in the process of going to shit
This has been talked about time and time again here, women, the nigger invasion, the jew world order where you will own nothing and eat bugs and live in 15 minute cities, etc., etc.
>inb4 get out of 4chan
I barely come here anymore, I'm not sub5, I'm not socially autistic, I have friends, I'm not a NEET, I'm unironically the biggest guy my age at the gym, but it just doesn't get better
I'm not even demoralized anymore, it's just nothing motivates me to do anything
For example, call me gynocentric, but I've never had a gf and at this point I kinda doubt I ever will. I don't even know a single fucking girl I'd like to date
I'm so fucking tired of brazillians it's not even funny, but every time I go outside I'm sure to meet these despicable creatures
The other day I met a guy in the gym (around 30yo) who was also unvaxxed, we talked for a bit about all these things (except about women), and in the end he just ends up telling me "ignorance is happiness"
Indeed, ignorance is fucking happiness
I might sound like an edgy retard, but I can't relate to normies in any meaningful way. It's all so fucking tiresome
I guess my question here is have any of you "made it" after taking the redpill?
I don't expect a nigger mage with a magic answer that will fix all my prooblems, I'm just curious if any of you have made any significant progress in life after going down the rabbit hole