>>16011548We did mutually agree to abort the babby if it's just going to be a doy doy retard even though we're both anti abortion.
>>16011549I know that, I forgot to add avoiding goyslop in my list. My dad was 5'2" and grew up as the youngest in a dirt poor household, I'm 5'8". You Netherlads have the best food supply in any western country and you produce a nation of NBA tier chads.
>>16011550Raising a child right is a lot more subjective than giving it ideal health. Giving it a miserable childhood like I had would probably make the child a better person overall, but I don't want my child to suffer through spergatory like I did.
>>16011551I'm not a fatass by burger standards, I can do ten pullups and run three miles, but that's a very low bar.
Raising them is going to be tricky, the meta for the new generation changes very rapidly, I'm going to focus on avoiding screen time which rotted the zoomer brains. But you are offering good advice in many areas.
>>16011553We recently started to calorie count with my fitness pal, neither of us are amerifats but we could lose a few pounds.
>>16011554Nearly impossible in current year.
>>16011555Not raising a homo.
>>16011556chekt and kekt.
>>16011557Never kiss and tell.
>>16011558I'm most paranoid about those greedy circumcisers taking my unborn child's foreskin, I've seen horror stories where they do this without parental permission for profit. They literally sell it to face cream companies, not only that but they also clamp the placenta prematurely to collect the blood for the stem cells. I was a paramedic for a few years and was taught to clamp the umbilical cord, thankfully I never got a pregnancy call so I never did it, but a third of the infants blood is in the placenta until it drains.
>>16011560We avoid sneed oils, I only use canola oil for my chainsaw. I'll look into eating more organ meat but I doubt the wife will go along with that shit.