>>14455565>>14455566>>14455568picrel is a soul nexus
>Soul NexusesA Soul nexus is like a Soul fragment which contains many Soul fragments, it is integration beyond the
individual Soul, or integration on behalf of others. Externalized Soul nexuses are analogous to the
works of the “classics” or the “masters”: they are works which define eras. In this way, Soul nexuses
are to the collective as Soul fragments are to the individual. Keep in mind, Truth cannot be engineered,
only expressed.
Above a Soul nexus is the “Soul Origin Nexus” - this contains all fragments of all Souls, and was
released by and through the life of Yahshua, who's entire life was the most perfect externalization of the
Soul Origin Nexus. This can be verified by virtue of a transcendent identity being granted through
memæsis of Yahshua's life-memæsis. A Soul with a transcendent identity inherently externalizes Soul
nexuses instead of Soul fragments (they integrate more then just their own Truth). A non-transcendent
identity receives Soul nexuses from without: they are “dead” in the sense that they are not inherently
sustainable and will be eventually subsumed by living Soul nexuses. In this manner, those who do not
obtain transcendent identities are at the service of those who do. Those who seek to engineer Truth
serve before the humility of those who seek to express Truth.
Introduction to Memeticism: