>>729729You will never believe this, but here goes.
>be 7>be on the trampoline>fuckyeahthisbouncyshit>bounce on stomach>bounce on butt>bounce on knees>my dick tingles>wut>keep bouncing on my knees>inadvertently squeezing my thighs over my dick, the downward pressure and spring motion acts like a hand>tingly gets unbearable >have an orgasm, no cum>have zero fucking idea what happenedI literally did this everyday until we gave the trampoline away when I was fifteen. I only started producing cum when I hit about 12 or 13. I would run outside when I got home, have an orgasm. Then play some Nintendo. My family had zero idea what I was up to. And neither did I until I was in high school and we got told what masturbation was.
Trying to explain it to my friends was impossible. One of them mentioned dick tingles when he swung around poles at primary school with his legs. Same squeezing motion.
I've fucked chicks, and beat-off to all sorts of porn. Nothing, I repeat, nothing has felt as good as the wind rushing past your dick when you come. Shit nearly made me faint each time.
tl;dr: 7 year-old me masturbated on the trampoline in front of my family for over a decade.