>>11476083God is eternal and unknowable for he is the source from which all came from. The gods are in my opinion somewhat knowable though as knowable as we know about concepts of love, war, justice and physics. The gods themselves are more knowable I believe than the one source of all creation whose reason for creation has baffles kabbalists for thousands of years. For what could The All gain from creation it does not already posses?.
Why I believe in reincarnation? Because it is the more plausible and empirically verifyable.
People are not wholly evil or good. They are more complicated than that giving a soul eternal punishment for a fuck up they made in one life is ery petty. A patient and lovoing good would as his attributes imply wait patiently for the soul to reunite. Hence why people are never abandoned by God.
Also you can test reincarnation yourself with
A numerology and astrology
B doing a ritual which unironicallu works.
So catholicism is literally just paganism with less metaphsyics.
The saints came after the forces of creation were made however with deities and their rituals already existing before the saints were even born.
Sanatana Dharma is sanskrit it means The Eternal Way. It can be found in the oldest texts according to Sri Dharma Pravartaka Achariya.
You are within the bucket observing the bucket but the bliss and unity is one where you are within everything. It is hard to explain but basically unity with God is to experience all of creation. Right now we are experiencing this current moment which is away from the source.