wheres the mecha ausie these days
>>10563161probably, like I still have the nail on those attic stairs and nearly poke my left eye out on that one while awake, I can see a sleepwalker accidentally poking the eye out, but it depebds on their motor control and spacial positioning
>for example zgb, I found them cool when I was 16 in the past looking at various ways to produce head trauma capable of killing (zombies), despite everything being merely an analogue the fact it kinda looked liked blood got them struck bad during adpocalypse, not to mention elsa gate, literal porn, content like leafy&co's, explosions and fire, detailed synthesises of drugs....of course
nah man, simple means low effort means low profit, zoomers like them low attention span, cuts all the time and unnecceary long videos
that's how that oil man got off woth not paying taxes on stuff- by investing in artistic pieces, they aren't tax exempt when buying but they are like an investment that you don't have to pay for anually
>sadly no, but abby is pretty popular in loli threads...I lapse all the time brotha
>yea, it wasn't a dealbreaker, but some do cringe on scrotum smelling like hamI didn't use the drugs when they tested me
>hows your therapist seshes going>>10563175got your electrolytes in check? you still need magnesium and calcium and sodium.... I have problems with insomnia in general so I never noticed anything in particular when fasting