If you aren't having good quality sex with as many beautiful people as possible you should kill yourself because you aren't fulfilling your purpose to pleasure yourself and others. This is the only true meaning of life!
Humans come from Bonobo who live is communist style societies where everyone shares and has sex with everyone, even the old and the really young. This is why communism always fails. it is missing the crucial SEX element!>We have zero relation to violent chimpanzees who form brutal fascist/Meat eating societies based off patriarchal masculine-power that is looking to dominate and conquer everything. This is why chimps make tools to kill and eat meat, to selfishly take life for their own sustenance. This is why we have problems like global warming/technology, WAR, capitalism, crime and bigotry. Its unnatural and not the way of our true Bonobo ancestors. We should live in a socialist society where we all share free-love.>Chimp society leads to corruption, religion, hate, meat eating, misogyny, slavery(think domestic animals and how whites enslaved Black bodies to enrich themselves) and loser incels.Chimps also create hierarchal societies not equal egalitarian ones! >In summary: FUCK FASCISM AND FUCK CHIMPS. sex and communism is how our bonobo ancestors did it. HAVE SEX OR KILL YOURSELF.>WE ARE BONOBO!BONOBOS ARE LOVE!