Quoted By:
>be me
>be 13
>dad dies, everyone kinda feels bad for me
>birthday, get lots of nice gifts
>sister's friend gives me a paintball gun
>love that rifle, use it often for target practice
>one day sister gets all pissed off, takes the rifle, but not the equipment
>get the rifle back, keep shooting in secret
>years later, present day
>she needs cash for a vacation
>wants to sell MY rifle back to the friend who gave it to me
>acts like it was actually hers the whole time
>refuse to hand it over
>mom takes my side
>jokingly tell her if she can pry it out of my hands she can have it
>she obviously gives up because I'm not a 5'9, blue haired faggot like her
>"friend is not gonna be happy with you when he sees you!"
>haven't seen this guy since i was a teenager
>don't really care
>she still wants the fucking rifle
>starts acting like this is abuse and my mom is a horrible person for remembering stuff
why are women like this? you lost. get over it.
she was also crying over losing the election, btw.