>>10515449Basically this SAP is the following.
Find certain types of "gifted" people.
- Attempt to stealthily manipulate them, groom them, mold them, and then turn them into useful pawns.
- If that doesn't work or you somehow test as a rebellious independent thinker early in school, then these scum will start destroying you and your life any way they can. They'll target your family, your friends, everything around you that they can reach and manipulate in some form. Therefore you'll never get anywhere in life and basically be an underachiever loser.
1. The key thing is you cannot be harmed directly. That is the one area that they're very careful not to break or I guess bad things happen to them. So this organization (more like organizations since its international) rely on manipulation and deception and recent advances in supercomputers and neural net based AI enabled them to essentially influence and manipulate people's brains and thoughts using DEW and RNM technology.
2. Since all of the truly "gifted" people have the sixth sense/premonition/ and intuition, they'll never be trusted with higher up positions and will be kept relatively low on the food chain so they can never somehow guess or intuit what is really going on.
3. Obviously a lot of normal kids were allowed into GATE programs as well. So you're always going to get a lot of responses from people that had nothing happen to them. It's basic covering your ass operations shit.
>>10515454>Are you retarded?>You think I'm tavistock, or the Feds?>I'm a GATE Kid amongst GATE Kids who "fell through the cracks", but I am rising. I am climbing.Fuck off cunt, I can sense you're a paid bitchass cunt.