>>14948363Hello Tom Scott, /pol/ here.
I am a /pol/lack and budding Researcher currently in the development stages for a video series on internet faggots. I am here to draw some views and anecdotes from left-wing jewtube butt-bandits but without actually having to meet one in real life. So here i am, take it or leave it but please don't crowd my post with HIV and anal leakage. Yes i am White, yes i am straight. you are not shocking anyone by bringing that up here. Thanks in advance, nigger. (If your post is what i am looking for it will be potentially read verbatim or in summarization in a video FAG)
1:) Which relative molested you the most and initially led you towards becoming a left wing gaylord?
2:) do you feel like your bugchasing and AIDS diagnosis contribute to a sense of community and belonging?
3:) If you had the opportunity to recreate your foreskin and anal virginity from scratch what would you change?
4:) If the internet disappeared tomorrow do you feel that your "grooming habits" would change?
(To the moderation staff: Fuck off Thank you for what you don't do. Me and my "team" have found nothing in 4chans TOS that prohibits myself or others making posts similar to mine so please this post alone, Drink loads ;)