>>10015215101% This right here.
>>10015214Pic related
>>10015202>>10015216>>10015224>>10015232Based Bros
>>10015249>The fact I can recon which doujin this is with that thumbnail crop.Cringemyself.exe Netorare fags can die. Now on nuking California.
>>10015196Retard, you need to make an account to enable "blacklisted categories"
>>10015270>no neko/catgirlMonster girls tag
>no loli>no shotaNon hentai normies and the media would freak out if they make this public, there's a lot of shota, loli/pentakko/petite now on fakku, just took years to have a decent amount. PS, this applies to many of your listed genres/tags and others.
>no imoutoincest tag covering all types of incest, you have to check each incest tagged doujin/manga to find out what it is. I don't like fakku minimalist tagging.
>no bukkake>no oppai>no jc/jk>yeah okay, what a retard tier fake news list.>futanari being popular in most states, followed by monster girls is obvious tranny moderator meddling censoring all the most ACTUALLY popular and common hentai/anime tagstags exists, that list is obviously based on numbers of clicks AND VERY LIKELY to get reactions which indeed worked just fine on twitter and clearly in here. It's literally impossible futa is the most loved tags.
>no yaoi/no yurithere's already Yottabytes of these 2 genres free everywhere.