[259 / 10 / ?]
I have the oppertunity to move to a "farmstead" kind of remote in the forest. Closest decently sized city is 1,5 hours away. My dad and his gf lives here and has plans to turn this old place into a self sufficient home with cows, sheep, pigs, horses, dog breeding, growing crops etc. Should i move here /pol/? Atm i live in a city 3 hours away and my best bet the coming years is slaving away paying 1k in rent and barely having shit after bills are paid. At the farm stead i can breed animals, take care of them, build things, saw lumber (we have a lot of trees around here that we can chop, turn into material and sell) breed my dogs, grow crop plots, not worry about bills, i can build my own house, in the winter i can drive snowmobile(which my family comes every weekend to do, and its my nr1 hobby), plenty of lakes and rivers to fish in, can go horse riding in the forest. Yeah can basically do anything you can imagine on a remote farm. Cons: nobody lives around here so a social life is not rlly possible for me. I guess i can get gfs from the citys 3 hours away. What do you think? I want to do it.
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>>10025669 >Cons: nobody lives around here so a social life is not rlly possible for me. We have internet now...
Work hard, learn some tricks and you'll find the perfect girl...
>>10025669 you're not man enough, refugee nigger
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If you don’t do it you will regret it.
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>>10025669 >My dad and his gf youre gonna have a bright future on pornhub
>>10025669 Do it
Learn to farm
Take your farming knowledge and spread it around the world and feed everyone
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if you don't do it tell your dad to take me instead :^)
Good luck finding internet or cell phone service out there. But then again....
>>10025669 I'd jump at the chance to do this,
if you maintain an FB page and Twitter account showing what you're doing you'll prolly get some chicklets wanting to come do it too!
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>>10025677 isn't satellite internet a thing?
>>10025669 How old are you? If you're still young you have nothing to lose by taking a year off and living on the farm stead. Worst case scenario after a year if you go to find a job and they ask for your unemployment gap you tell them you felt you needed the time off work to take care of your dad until this all blows over. My advice would be to buy a squat rack, a bar bell, and some olympic plates as well and set up a home gym there to get yoked while you're innawoods. That will solve your gf issue
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>>10025669 You should do it even if it's only to further your relationship with your father
Then fuck him
>>10025669 Will you get to prep the bull for dad's gf?
>>10025680 >My advice would be to buy a squat rack, a bar bell, and some olympic plates as well and set up a home gym there to get yoked while you're innawoods. That will solve your gf issue been there done that
still no gf
the real redpill is that it doesn't matter if you bench 3 plaets when you're a hermit
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>>10025682 Don't listen to the degenerates
Learn to farm
Build a relationship with your dad
Be happy
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>>10025669 Get out of the city.
You know you want that too.
>>10025669 > Self-sufficient farm > In Norway It's gonna be rough, growing season is going to be very intense since you don't have many months if good weather and afaik the soil in Norway is somewhat poor (can of course be remedied with mulch and good practices)
Other than that, go for it.
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>>10025669 I want to do it.
Can I join?
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>>10025682 your brain needs fixing you fucking weird cunt
>>10025683 Farmers market.
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>>10025669 My dream is to do exactly that
>>10025669 Why dont you work and build your own?
>>10025689 antisocial tendencies.
>>10025669 Learn bee keeping. Fun, lucrative hobby with surprisingly low time investment once ur all set up.
Go for it. Is there a town or at least a village nearby, as in ten miles or so away? I live remotely and it is nice to have somewhere relatively close, even if it is just for an afternoon. Even having a petrol station close by makes things a lot easier.
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>>10025692 Ah. Likewise. Force yourself to smile and put yourself in more social situations. It’s incredible what a smile can do to help you in your interactions.
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>>10025680 Im 25 and yes i intend to do just that.
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>>10025686 It wont be 100% because of reasons yoj stated but this area is actually in the better places of the country farming wise. And thers a small city 20km away.
>>10025669 Only if you and your dad will fuck his gf together.
>>10025669 > that picture Topkek
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>>10025691 Thats my dream but i would take years and years before i can affors a place like this on my own. I can always buy land here and build my house on it. The property is big.
>>10025677 radio tower internet is pretty common now, my rural service is faster that what I had on a direct connection in town. But honestly, getting off of the fucking internet could make you life 100x better at this point.
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>>10025693 Thats a great idea thanks.
>>10025694 Yes there is. 20km away theres supermarkets and gas station.
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>>10025702 The great thing is internet is fast here because im close to a popular tourist place and the ISP put up a new tower 3 years ago. We have full 4G coverage.
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>>10025678 This I would love the opportunity to. I went to Norway recently didn't see alot of good farmland there compared to UK. Probably why you lot went Viking.
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>>10025702 but you mentioned dog breeding a lot, you sound Canadian.
>>10025699 Shes acutally 25 years old and pretty cute. Slim body. But i have morals and would never even try it.
>>10025707 I've seen enough stepmother/stepson porn to see how this could go wrong
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>>10025672 Its true though im a soiboy when it comes to trading skills like fixinc cars and building stuff, but my dad knows this stuff om tve top of vis head.
He can build a house from scratch without a google search.
>>10025708 Wont ever happen Im not a degenerate.
Cool thing is my dad and gf is redpilled and we dicuss the same shit pol niggers talk about.
>>10025711 Which part of the country is this?
Anyway, just fuckin do it. If anything it will grow you as a person to do some manual labor and have to figure out shit.
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>>10025669 Do it, get out while you can.
>>10025669 Book a week off work and stay with them, see if you like it first
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>>10025710 post tits then fag
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>>10025677 Who gives a shit about that? So he won’t be able to read all the jewels of knowledge you shit post... boo hoo.
Do it anon don’t look back. Try and find a like minded qt to join you on the farm. They are out there trust me.
>>10025712 Det er faktisk i sverige 2 mil unna grensa. Ligger nært sveriges høyeste vattenfall.
Typ 1.5 time nordøst fra trysil.
Ja akkurat det jeg har lyst til. Lære meg ting og vokse som person. Fattern er jævla flink med alt fra snekkring til fiksing av biler så har jo mentor her.
You need a wife or it's game over.
>>10025714 This is really good advice.
The reality of farm work is not for everyone, there's a reason people live in the city.
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>>10025669 Hahahaha nice picture
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>>10025669 we are doing this with my brother and our French wives, in rural France (zero sand/niggers)
its terrifying and exhilarating
>>10025719 >>10025714 Ive been here for 4 days now and I like it. Were sawing timber atm and gonna new perimiters for our dogs to be in. There is no animals here but dogs and we dont have crops yet.
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>>10025669 What are you still doing here? Fucking hell mate, i'd be there in a heartbeat.
Also, plenty of land to build your own tiny house there and live free.
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>>10025675 White people already fed the world, over and over. it just means we eliminated ourselves
>>10025717 >Typ 1.5 time nordøst fra trysil. ikke så langt nord, da går det jo faktisk an å få til noe som man kan leve av mesteparten av året
>Fattern er jævla flink med alt fra snekkring til fiksing av biler så har jo mentor her. hvis du har interesse av å gjøre detta så er jo det helt supert. go for it"
hvis du bare liker tanken på en "homestead" og "self sufficient" så er det vel en fare at han vil gjøre mye/alt arbeidet mens du sitter å shitposter her?
>>10025724 I think this thread is on the right track. Spend time there, enough time to get into the routine of it instead of the novelty. Then gauge the isolation and the prospects of finding a wife who wants a similar lifestyle. Don't overcommit but don't squander your chance to escape normie wage slavery in the city.
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>>10025726 Er liksom det her som er drømmen.
Det du nevner har faktisk skjedd før. Jeg bodde her i 2 år med samme tankene om å gjøre det til en homestead. Men da var jeg en lat piece of shit som var avhenging av video spill og weed. Det har gått 3 år siden jeg bodde her sist og i mellomtiden har jeg hatt arbeid og sluttet med både weed og videospill. Men jeg er en veldig impulsiv persom som har slitt med mentale vsnsker i årevis og sjansen er jo der for att det går til sånn som du sier. Men faen går det til helevete her så hadde gått til helvete i byen også.
>no brainier question >OP is brainless >Asks /pol/ for the answer Is this what happens when you divide by zero?
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>>10025727 Im already isolated in my city. Im a loner sadly. One rrason i want to do it is to work on myself and become a strong man capable of doing things on his own. The social aspect i will tackle a bit later i guess.
>>10025729 Im not very smart i agree. I just wanted some opinions on why i should and should not
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>>10025669 Based. Move today. Find a wife online.
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>>10025731 Well. The slower pace and natural style of ruarl living will keep you healthy and fit by itself. You're family and the internet will keep you all the social interaction you need. Do it like jumping into a cool lake. If you change your mind the city will always be there.
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>>10025700 Kek indeed
Most Dutch anons will get it
>>10025722 Fair
I think just remember to build your own relationships still, just the three of you in the middle of no where might make it difficult. Could you stay with friends back in the city for a weekend, once a month maybe?
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>>10026795 We wont live in the same though. Theres two houses here.
But yeah i could visit family 3 hours away.
Dont have friends lol
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>>10025669 TL;DR but do it
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