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Help me out.

ID:5vs8nlxc No.1002616 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello fellow /bant/ers, give me an advice please.

During last years i've been gradually loosing all interest in vidya, i quit pretty much everything i played - moba, shooters,
rpg's e.t.c. I only played tactical kind of games and card games and now im finally over them too.
I just dont feel any entertainment and joy while playing vidya anymore, but i still kinda have a little crave to play something from time to time.
So i decided that i should get into chess or go, people seem to enjoy and explore them all their lives, and they say its good for your brains too.

So anyone here plays them? Tell me what should i pick of these two and why? If you want to suggest some other deep, tactical/strategy oriented game i'll be glad to hear.