[19 / 5 / ?]
Your brain is what processes reality, every part of your body is a tool used to process reality, you are essentially a brain piloting a flesh mech. If this is the case, and reality is this creates by your brain, then death is impossible because death means your brain cannot create the reality around you, if this is the case, then you could not possibly perceive death, because your brain must be alive to create reality. Hence forth, you are immortal, but all others around you are not, because your brain can perceive the death of others. This is true of all humans, in your reality I can die, in my reality you can die, but in our own reality neither of us can die.
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Far out, maaaaaaaaaan.
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>and reality is this creates by your brain Your perception of reality is created by your brain*>then you could not possibly perceive death Cannot perceive your own death != can't die You can't perceive life before birth so can you prove you weren't a cum gussling faggot?
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>>10034089 My brain sucks if it conjured up all you faggots.
When you sleep all your senses are shut down but your brain still works and creates an alternate reality (dreams). This kinda means that even when you die (body shuts down completely) your consciousness could supply you with a new reality (afterlife).
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OP's brain is already dead
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>>10034089 Sounds like so-called Quantum Immortality
Not the pic I was looking for but explains it well enough.
I don't understand what OP posted. I do know everyone dies alone.
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>>10034089 While I've only attained this astral state of consiousness no more than a couple of dozen times throughout my life of forty years, a few of these dimensional journeys- journeys where time becomes space, and space becomes something correlative to experience- have been remarkable indeed. In one episode of this dimensional travel, I unintentionally occupied another person's consiousness while they slept.
>>10034089 >>10034093 Did you forget that your brain needs a functioning body in order to work? I.e blood with oxygen and nutrients.
What you guys are saying is just one big cope because you can imagine a world where youre not in it. Luckily when you die so does your ego.
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If you aren't conscious to perceive non-existence, you have no way of determining time and will always persist in a conscious state no matter how long it takes for atoms to reform exactly the way they need to for "you" to be back. We all literally come from the same exact hyper condensed point of mass, and if infinity is an actual concept/real nothing matters because it all happened before and every possibility will or has already happened.
>>10034096 >everyone dies I think just about everyone who gets murdered doesn't die alone.
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>>10034099 Explain zombies then
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>>10034101 Do you really want to die with a murderer though?
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>>10034089 Wow, despite the stupid faggotry od this post, it is wrong in do many ways..
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>>10034089 sounds like a nightmare.
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>>10034089 this is very plausible. I have had the almost psychosis inducing epiphany a couple times that I died and just didn't realize it.
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Hippies are so open minded their brains fell out