The medical benefits of a newborn male circumcision are many, including:
>REDUCED RATE OF URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS (UTIs): Circumcised boys are less likely to have a UTI in their first 6 months of life, when they are most vulnerable. Over their lifetimes, 1 in 12 circumcised males experiences a UTI, compared with 1 in 3 uncircumcised males.
>REDUCED RATE OF FORESKIN-RELATED PROBLEMS: Things can go wrong with the foreskin. Its delicate, floppy structure makes it more prone to get infections than the rest of the penis skin. Over time smegma, a combination of sloughed skin cells, can accumulate under the foreskin and cause inflammation and odor. Yeast likes to grow in the moist environment under the foreskin too. Foreskin infections are painful and they can lead to contractions and scarring resulting in a foreskin that is too tight to pull back, like a turtleneck you just can’t pull over your head. Even without infections, the foreskin can become too tight, particularly as a man ages, and especially if he has diabetes or other conditions that curtail the bloodflow in the foreskin. This condition, called phimosis, affects approximately 10 percent of uncircumcised teens and adult men, and the treatment is circumcision. Even worse, but much less common, is paraphimosis, a condition in which the foreskin cannot be rolled back over the head of the penis. It becomes a medical emergency because the blood in the rolled-back foreskin can’t circulate properly and the foreskin swells up and gets tighter and more swollen in what becomes literally a vicious circle (around the penis shaft). If you sport a convertible, never leave the “top” down for too long.