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ID:umZdmL+O No.10044569 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ive been going on a bunch of alt chans in order to find a new place to call home given /bant/ is irredeemable garbage at this point and i wanna talk about my opinions on the locations ive been to. Im gonna censor the names of the chans to keep /bant/normies from finding them and violate their super secret club status, but people who know what they are are gonna be able to tell.
Pretty good the first couple of days but have been infested with discord fags and obnoxious attention whores and is pretty much /bant/ at this point which makes sense considering how many of you retards shat up the place. But compared to other l***chan websites theres alot more people and a better identity
Really interesting place to lurk given that its basically /r9k/ for females but its a no fun allowed kind of website.
Basically every other /b2/ l***chan spinoff site that some how gets the idea that theyre gonna be "the saving grace" despite how dead it is. And its basically become analockman posting and blog threads that have 2 replies or just bitching about 4chan
Actually the only good site i have found in my travels. Theres a few fun boards like /cow/ and theres actual discussion happening on each board. Probably because theres no open board creation so people arent just sticking to /b/ and their own board
Kinda like kiwifarms but mostly trannies and women. But its pretty much pointless because you cant post anyone underage or post dox or anything like that. And the cows posted there arent really interesting at all. Just go to /cow/ from the above website even though its a little slow
Im pretty sure this is the proprietor of all these websites for the most part. Its filled to the brim with petty drama and obnoxious self important faggots which makes 6*chan seem like the peak of anonymous discussion.
dead lol