>>10051411Had a bit of coffee milk earlier with lunch, it's a beverage from my home state. It's similar to chocolate milk but with coffee-flavored syrup. It's very good, especially if you make it on the lighter side.
I might have some kava later, I bought some off Amazon and I've tried making it, but I haven't felt anything more than a slight relaxed feeling which could very well be a placebo effect. I've heard it has a "reverse tolerance" though, where the first couple times you don't feel much but then it kicks in after those first couple drinks.
Also, do you have any experience with sake? Touhou is memeing me in to wanting to try sake. I'm 20, so I've still got to wait half a year before I can buy it. One friend says it's very good, another says that it's good in Japan but here it's pretty much "boozy rice water".