>>10051728>>252876238>>252877652Look, I am not dunking on him for not being a leader and I don't disregard his qualities at all. But it is precisely his qualities which cannot ever win the masses, only a small part of the population which are able to even understand the arguments in the first place. He was aware of the basic premise in his interview with Horus afaik. Ryan is the kind of guy who informs the leader who then translates it into something that can reach millions: with social skills, charisma, great passion, aesthetic appeal and the one in a million talent to win over the masses. American "radicalism" in 2020 is also different from German radicalism in the 1930s.
But there's also a much larger problem today that was not so much like this back then. In a public so divided, the people you actually need to influence are rather small, but the true right has zero access to this inner power core. Jews do. And in such an environment what is most effective is simply the biggest megaphone to repeat a simple message over and over and over again: Jews are God's chosen people. They are always innocent victims. White man bad. Hitler and racism ultimate evil. White man always fight the Nazi, then white man hero. Other time white man bad, bad.
It's really this dumb, but huge corporations have the platform to do that. And the (((people))) who own the platforms for alt-media slowly but surely shut it all down. Including him some day.