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ID:Hu+AvNFb No.10071885 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The Virgin Image-Poster
>Can't actually draw, has to poorly the same stale images over and over again
>Poor communication skills, not confident he can persuasively convey his perspective with words alone
>Basically the post equivalent of a picture book for babies
>Highest goal in life is to someday "create" an image other anons like enough to save and repost
>Incapable of original thought, can only express himself by playing mad libs with exploitable memes
>Has a self-esteem entirely tethered to attention from others, wishes humans could survive on (You)s alone
>Foams at the mouth and barks out low-effort insults of dubious relevance when others criticize his work
>Doesn't even know how to use real image-editing software, his entire oeuvre has been produced in MS Paint

The Chad Greentexter
>Every post he makes is a genuinely original work
>Does not need to rely on memes to drive home his points
>Supremely confident and effective communicator
>Does not require eye-catching illustrations to hold the attention of his audience
>Capable in his highest moments of crafting 4chan posts which compare favorably with history's greatest examples of literature
>Takes the time to choose his words carefully every time he posts
>Says exactly what he means without fiending for (You)s
>His posts frequently become pasta even though he doesn't care
>Relies on the very form of his posts as a quality control mechanism; dullards with low attention spans are physically unable to read and respond, leaving him to enjoy only the most sophisticated social interactions 4chan has to offer