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Are You Guys Actually Happy?

No.10083226 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
i see you guys here saying shit like, yeah im white yeah im better than you etc, your race is inferior etc etc. I myself am mediterranean skin with green eyes and 1.85cm tall. I do not feel happy at all and coming here on degenerate websites it only makes it worse desu. But atleast its not fkng IG where everyone is constantly telling you how better and much happier they are than u. I have a massive inferiority complex idk, i value the opinion of other people more. Especially if theyre blonde w/blue eyed, like they know everything better it must be in their DNA. Also i dont feel like doing anything at all i dont like anything i dont care about anything. I dont feel suicidal just bad sometimes but because when i look at you the 'superior race' are u guys happy? content?