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Tree of life

No.10095861 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Mankind is on its 3rd evolution. Genetically made with suppressed intelligence. The tree of life is just your DNA.

An ancient alien race was being chased off of their planet across the galaxy. They pretended to land at a nearby planet. Their pursuers incinerated that planet. That planet was mostly water. One half flew into the sun, the other is the asteroid belt. Which sometimes comes close into orbit and shit like live fish fall out of the sky from it.
Unironically the earth only had water at the Dead Sea. This exploded planet gave us out oceans and caused a "40 day flood"

Now. The aliens who escaped here went deep underground. Check hollow earth.

They spent thousands of years rebuilding their technology to escape earth but didn't know where they were. Hence Stonehenge, pyramids etc. They were trying to create a compass.

They finally went to leave earth. However, the original hunters quarantined them here with the esoteric tech known as the "van Allen radiation belt" which is why no man has ever gona farther than the moon.

After thousands of years, these underground aliens realized they're stuck. So they reached out to inter portal intelligence. Who will help these ancients escape. But. At the cost of energy. Blood is energy. And is the 2and most common word in the bible.

Tldr; the masses are basically blood slaves until the earth eradicates evil. Cattle if you will.

Many rituals have been lost. Books burned. The art of restoring the earth's immune system.

The earth is no stranger to catastrophe. It will wipe out its cancer again and again.

But for now. The inter portal intelligence (a form of bacteira) is accepting blood sacrifices as payment for the teaching of advanced tech. The atom bomb was kindergarten.

They're trying to destroy this atmosphere so they can escape. That's why the elites dont give a fuck about global warming. They think they're leaving soon. So they dont care what happens to those left on earth.