Without the Communist Party, There Would Be No New China by Brother Hao
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tCMI0uKbBE AKA: Red Song King Good Brother
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is the founding political party of the People's Republic of China and at 78 million members strong, it is also the world's largest political party. The CCP (or CPC for Communist Party of China) was founded on July 1, 1921 in Shanghai, and to commemorate the upcoming 90th anniversary of the party, a man who calls himself "Brother Hao" [literally: proper younger brother, "younger" denoting a sign of respect] sings "The Words of Chairman Mao are Memorized by Heart", a "red" song [a Chinese Revolutionary-Era propaganda song]. The song was written by Fu Fengcheng, who is also responsible for having written other famous "red" songs like "Song of the Red Star" and "Azalea". This video was accumulated nearly 1 million hits within 2 days of being uploaded onto popular Chinese video sharing website Youku and currently has nearly 4k comments.
Category Education
>>10113310 Can't wait for more manufacturing to pull out of Ch*na and it dying ugly death
China will be in a civil war within a year.
>>10113310 >Nigger Commies Herr_Reichprofessor !!YByxW7AXs7/
>>10113312 This. Mandate of Heaven has been lost.
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>>10113310 chinks are seriously crossinge the line in africa
wtf is this shit?
>>10113312 Says the American where states refuse orders from the president and the population is ready to go on the streets with guns for whatever miniscule reason.
>>10113314 I remember Americans saying corona is punishment to China from heaven, but now corona is killing more Americans than ever. Is it punishment to Trump from heaven? How he managed to anger god?
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>>10113313 head of WHO is one btw
he was part of military group(and funded by this group to become head of WHO) which was fighting in ethiopia to abolish gov and most of its highest members had also membership in group called literally Marxist-Leninist something something
>>10113310 >>10113317 >>10113318 >>10113319 > communism there are pedophiles and mass murders that get more respect than anyone from mainland china.
cope harder, commie rats. :)
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>>10113318 You remember shit no one was saying
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>>10113310 >Something good about China Their history is pretty cool. Too bad the CCP doesn't allow any of it to be studied and praised. Suicide van at your door to collect your organs just because you wanted to understand the dissidents in Chyna's rich history is pretty lame. There's a certain level of pity with that.
There is incredibly more to despise them for. Imagine if they actually became a free society what they could produce. Coercion breeds apathy. It's all they currently have.
>>10113314 There is only one China
>>10113318 Still isn't anywhere near obesity related deaths in America.
>>10113314 agreed, Ming explosion soon
Herr_Reichprofessor !!YByxW7AXs7/
>>10113318 Yeah, God ... if God is a biotechnician who accidentially released a recombinant gain-of-function research strain. ;)
The number of death in USA is btw "allowed" to rise I suspect. A proper "war" needs some casualties after all, they will be beneficial to the official narrative switch we'll see in late summer. Too juicy of a story to not use it in this way. Not even starting on the plausible deniability it provides for "resetting" the Dollar. :D
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>>10113321 Agreed. The only good communist is a dead one.
Herr_Reichprofessor !!YByxW7AXs7/
>>10113324 That would be acceptable I guess. Doubt though it can be realized without at least some form of civil war.
>>10113326 Brighter than a thousand suns you say?! :3
China has been rightful American clay for thousands of years.
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>>10113324 Republic of China is the real China.
Herr_Reichprofessor !!YByxW7AXs7/
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>>10113330 >>10113332 Fascinating creatures ... :)
>>10113314 This. The American Empire is truly dead.
Herr_Reichprofessor !!YByxW7AXs7/
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>>10113334 Careful, burger fren! Learn from our mistakes ... Drang nach Osten is never healthy.
>>10113328 War with China is impossible because of Chinese nukes and enormous China population. Whatever you think about Mao, he was smart to understand "Nukes protect". China has the ultimate protection from America. Americans can screach, cry, shitpost, spam, but they can't lay a finger on Chinese mainland. I suppose you will shitpost now saying some shit about Mao, its all predictable, but China is safe from America and that is what important. I don't really care what american incels write on some japanese owned anime imageboard in some irrelevant thread that will have no consequences on the realpolitic between great powers.
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
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>>10113324 Why are Mongolia and chunks of India missing?
Herr_Reichprofessor !!YByxW7AXs7/
>>10113337 The "empire"? Yes, that is dead. US could survive if my predictions are correct however ... not as a superpower, mind you. Then again, in five years there won't be any global superpowers left, at least not in the old Cold War sense.
>>10113333 Well, given that these fuckers have nukes, they could easily nuke each other in the coming civil war.
>>10113343 >cold war sense Projection of power
Explain yourself anon.
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>>10113312 t. average retard americans literally year after year
>>10113318 >Trusting the Chinese official number Forgot the Great Leap Forward?
Herr_Reichprofessor !!YByxW7AXs7/
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>>10113339 MAD doctrine still applies. But large scale wars are an obsolete concept today, same as tightly packed infantry formations became obsolete with the advent of the machine gun and airburst shrapnel rounds. A "war" these days is a hybrid creature, a beautiful Schmetterling, the idea being that you can push any nation or system of rule beyond its breaking point if you apply the correct pressures.
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>>10113321 Keep crying, murica
>>10113348 I trust China more than i trust USA and their lying CIA niggers led by ziocon warmongering boomers with cold war mentality.
>>10113352 China is firewalled from your propaganda. They have their own internet, their own high tech surveillance system you literally can't break apart One China using tariffs,sanctions,war, anything.
You lose jewboy.
>>10113354 You shouldn't worry about the guy who knows 1000000 memes, chinky boy. You should worry about the guy who has practiced the same memetic strike 1000000 times.
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>>10113353 >whataboutism My Chinese friend, if Chinese statistics are real why there are widespread famines during great Leap Forward?
>>10113355 Stop projecting your fear republic cuck.
>>10113353 We've already crossed the Rubicon on cleaning them out. You're not really wrong though.
>>10113354 >flag >jewboy Well shill, you've convinced me. (pic related)
>>10113345 At this point in time the US have lost the capacities to prevent the emergence of some form of "Eurasian alliance" ... a concept known to be THE biggest threat to US hegemony since the 50's or earlier. Now the issue is that the globalist agenda (encroaching into Eastern Europe and Russian mainland) managed to push the vatniks towards a cooperation with the chinks. China/Russia is the worst worst case ... instead the US will likely decide for the "lesser evil" of a cooperation between Russia and Europe (or rather the parts of Europe not falling into anarchy after collapse of the Euro). Three Seas Initiative is the preferred scenario of the Trumpian network ... Western Europe and NATO will be dropped instead. Central Europe will act as a buffer and trading partner for both US and Russians ... a "friendly" relationship but one where the US still hold a stake (and can prevent full takeover of Europe by the Russians by playing on the Eastern European's still strong fear of a "new Soviet Union").
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>>10113358 We were born in America but we don't have to accept the political system.
>>10113359 Hehe
>>10113360 >At this point in time the US have lost the capacities to prevent the emergence of some form of "Eurasian alliance" ... a concept known to be THE biggest threat to US hegemony since the 50's or earlier. Now this is interesting. The US has fire power in the area already though after this ridiculous two decade war.
Also interesting.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_New_Great_Game Now the issue is that the globalist agenda (encroaching into Eastern Europe and Russian mainland) managed to push the vatniks towards a cooperation with the chinks. China/Russia is the worst worst case ... instead the US will likely decide for the "lesser evil" of a cooperation between Russia and Europe (or rather the parts of Europe not falling into anarchy after collapse of the Euro).
How would Putin's recent moves play into this? Hungary's?
>Three Seas Initiative is the preferred scenario of the Trumpian network ...Western Europe and NATO will be dropped instead. Central Europe will act as a buffer and trading partner for both US and Russians ... a "friendly" relationship but one where the US still hold a stake (and can prevent full takeover of Europe by the Russians by playing on the Eastern European's still strong fear of a "new Soviet Union"). Makes sense
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>>10113319 you dumb chink this just means that we implement tariffs if our politicians are complete morons. it's pay to play (or consoom). your stupid third world country never had to deal with that because of all the legal slavery.
Herr_Reichprofessor !!YByxW7AXs7/
>>10113362 >New Great Game I know from my business dealings that Russians attempt a huge infrastructure program to build a reliable railway network into the Far East region / Siberia. For now likely meant to be part of the New Silk Road project ... but they could as well just haul everything towards the West with this. Allowing China to access these vast deposits in Siberia would be economic suicide for the US.
>WWPD I think Putin is waiting now who emerges as the "winner" in this struggle, if Trump manages to be reelected or if he will get more of the same shit again if Biden-Clinton-globohomo wins instead. I think Putin will be offered a deal: stay away from China and we'll not interfere with you selling resources to Europe and not try to push into the Eurasian market with our shale oil too much ... a bit of live and let live. In return US keep their stake in Europe without Russians getting funny ideas. They keep their sphere of influence, you keep yours. Concerning Hungary, they are smart opportunists, always have been ... and they don't want foreign influence, they are allergic to that. But they like to make good deals. Both Orban and our Kurz seem to cooperate with the Trump network, they will likely be the "big players" in a Three Seas ... and they will be very happy if we are "allowed" again to make deals with Russia without sanctions or similar shit. Huge market potential for us.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7e244MgtZM Jesus the China e-celebs are becoming full libshit.
"Oh no poor Blacks are getting thrown out from China"
>>10113319 Chinese also have a work ethic no western worker can compete with.
>>10113310 >China love thread here we go again ...
Herr_Reichprofessor !!YByxW7AXs7/
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>>10113364 >not try to push into the Eurasian market with our shale oil too much ... forgot to add, US will still build up a strong infrastructure that would ALLOW to supply Three Seas with shale oil. Balance of power so the Russians can't get the funny idea of using their oil as a "lever" to pressure Europe into submission. Should Russia get "delivery problems" the US could then instead supply cheap oil and liquid gas.
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>>10113316 >pureblood canadian Anonymous
>>10113357 >be incompetant china >accidentally release virus on own populace >keep it hushed to ensure it spreads to other nations >"hurr durr you country was hurt by our incompetence and we concealed our own deaths so that somehow means we won WW3" typical coping commie
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bros I love china so much why couldn't I be born chinese it's not fair
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>>10113372 China has proven it recovered while Republics are still reeling from the effects.
China is superior you can't deny it.
>>10113310 i <3 xi's daughter
>>10113373 thats either fake or was meant for you US goiym boomers who love jews so much that you cut the tip off your and your sons dick off
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>>10113377 hot
bet she only fucks white guys
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>>10113310 _kCdar0vLP5e6MM5fMVmB3JO2qRydOZKb
Sometimes I push the door close button on people running towards the elevator. I just need my own elevator sometimes. My sanctuary.
There are two ways of constructing a software design: one way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies, and the other is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies.
The airplane Buddy Holly died in was the "American Pie." (Thus the name of the Don McLean song.)
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>>10113366 Then why was all American manufacturing done in America up until the 80's?
How was the powerful manufacturing economy of 50's and 60's America led by lay Americans?
You're right on one thing though.
Americans wouldn't tolerate excessive pollution from factories which would raise costs and they also would probably demand higher wages and better labor conditions/protections all of which is a good thing unless you're a wanna-be global capitalist who has no loyalty to your nation, mankind and is fine with fucking everyone so long as you can be part of an insanely rich aristocratic capitalist class.
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blessed thread
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>>10113310 _R1rpMkgpcdEsiQ2rYX8KmS4iKwE3zuJd
I really love my Tesla. I'm in the future. Thank you Elon.
When in doubt, use brute force.
A full-loaded supertanker traveling at normal speed takes at least 20 minutes to stop.
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>>10113341 Where is falun gong and organ harvesting?
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>>10113310 _wkxvBBEe73AGmopG4is4FG5NRPkx0i1I
My dad got me a drone for Christmas
What you did to become successful is likely to become counterproductive when applied at a later date.
On average, Americans eat 18 acres of pizza everyday.