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ID:IkWp7/hY No.10115736 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I walk home from school. It was a long day, so I took a nap after school and dreamed, like most other days, about my crush, cowboy-Vsause-Chan. I woke up two hours later and began working on some math homework. I didn’t understand how something worked, so what did I do? I starting watching some Vsause videos on the topic of course. It reminded me of the one I held dear, cowboy-Vsause-Chan. I thought maybe I should dm him on Twitter, but no, no way he would talk to a no-body like me. I continued getting frustrated at my math homework. I was getting mad and started thinking about my future. Would my life just be nothing but homework and office work. Nothing to aspire to. Maybe I should do I love. But there’s only one thing I love, and that’s cowboy-Vsause-Chan. I worked up the courage and finally did it. I sent the dm. Oh no I thought, this is to forward coming. What have I done I’m so stupid. Then cowboy-Vsause-Chan texted back, “How’s it hanging cowboy?”. OMG, he’s so fucking cool and hot. How do I respond do that ugh I’m so awkward. He then followed that up with, “I was thinking maybe we could do something together partner, what do ya say, meet at my place?” I almost fainted from excitement. I met up with him the next day. cowboy-Vsause-Chan treated me very dirty. He was even better then expected. Right before climax he looked me in the eyes and said, “Hey there partner, vsause here.” He then put it in.