>>10127794>When will you go to the Church?dont part 1
that is the epicenter of the deception, Satan has been infiltrating and infecting that organization for 2000 years
in church almost everything you learn is wrong
>trinitydenies the gospel, what is the gospel? That Jesus lived a sinless life, died on the cross as a substitute for your sins, was entombed for 3 days, and rose again from the dead by his father defeating death and sin for all mankind.
what does the trinity say? that Jesus is the same being as God the Father (instead of someone holding the rank or title of God for example John has a son named Paul, both are smiths, but John is not Paul, though they are one family and and work in unison) and thus can never die ( for a 3 person God cannot become a 2 person God for three days and then return to being a three person God) but only his body died, or 50 percent of him died. This denies the gospel because it denies the DEATH of Jesus, instead of the Logos being dead for three days only the avatar of the logos was dead for three days, this is almost the same thing the gnostics said, that Jesus didnt die, he only appeared to die. Also the trinity, by making God a three person godhead, instead of a divine family with the father as the center (as Paul said their are many gods and many lords but only one Supreme God and the lord Jesus Christ) denies what the believer will become, Jesus is bringing sons to glory, and these sons will sit on the throne of God.
> eternal torment easily debunk able with scripture, the only reason they believe this is because of ministrations in earlier versions of the bible (latin vulgate) which translated an age, aion, as eternity, or eternum. denominations built their theology on bad translations and to now admit they were wrong hundreds of years later would make them look bad. Eternal torment denies the gospel. Why? Jesus died to save the world, and he cant do that if billions of people are burning in hell forever