>>10131623Products this based never existed before Trump
introduced true free enterprise to this country.
When "Democrats" are in, only the
biggest, dirtiest corporations that make the shittiest
products can afford to operate faced with such liberal tax burdens.
Bullshit govt sponsored "research"
led to incompetent liars like Ancel Keys publicizing nonsense
about saturated fat "clogging" arteries.
Uncontrolled blood sugar destroys blood vessels
then they heal closed "blocking" them.
Cholesterol plaque formation isn't a thing.
You probably believe meat is keto friendy.
and your pancreas CAUSING DIABETES.
The main cause of diabetes is iron overload FROM MEAT, not fat.
Fat in meat isn't unhealthy AT ALL,
lard is the healthiest possible source of calories besides ghee.
The cause of diabetes is [blood cell in meat based] iron surpluses destroying the pancreas,
"and" sugar excesses to a lesser but nonetheless major extent.
Sweets&Meats combined cause diabetes NOT FAT(S) IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR MANNER WHATSOEVER.
Everyone who eats LARGE quantities of meat over time
will develope an iron excess that will DESTROY their pancreas (diabetes).