>>10149455Jaydane is the ultimate poster. All you Jaydane haters are complete cancer who don't know a good post if you've seen one. He is teh embodyment of old /b/. Unlike you trash he actually cares about things genuinely and dosen't have to hide behind a connstant mask of iirony because he isn't afraid of getting fucked with. He oozes out more OC than all you faggots combined and he still stands up to your constant derailing and shitposting . Literally all of you Jaydane haters are fucked in the head ingrates that are constantly shitting all over this board with your insessant retarded posts. Meanwhile Jaydane is trying to basically revive this whole entire website with a cavelcade of original and hillarious comics that make you trolls rool over in jealousy. You smear him with daiper fetishsism acusations with LITERALLY NO EVIDENCE because you niggers need some way to explore your own scat fetishism without admitting your own degeneracy. If you derail Jaydane threads then you are unironic cancer and I sincerely want you to go fuck yourself