Another reason I believe why mainly children are used in the ritual abuse and sacrifices:
Children have a stronger connection to the other world. think of the monster under the bed, imaginary friends
Now what additionally increases this is stuff like near death experience giving with many people reporting the very same things, usually meeting deceased ones or God which they instantly recognized. Also strong torture leading to dissociation (Out of body experiences for example like pic of
>>254346616 depicts, painted by kim noble who was heavily abused as a child that she depicts here and developed MANY different personalities. [note the handkerchief/pizza related map] This principle was also used in MKUltra which is just the age old satanic ritual abuse refined with modern chemistry and psychology to subdue others). You lose connection to this world and thus increase to the other world.
Now you probably heard of "you are what you eat". Similary they try to then gain the vision the child has by ingesting its pineal gland (thought to be your 3rd eye and seat of the soul) or drinking the blood, like the believe that you gain potency when eating the balls of a lion or something). Also huge trauma and pain release certain chemicals which bring you into some altered states by influeincing the brain. Adrenaline making you more alert being just a simple example. These chemicals circulate the victims blood and upon ingesting it in some form enters your blood, brain and causes the same change of conciousness without you having to endure the trauma and pain.
this is but one aspect of course. there is the symbolical meaning behind the sarifices, blackmail purposes, and the fact the elites just likes to fuck