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Quoted By: >>10163574 >>10163728 >>10166718 >>10167123 >>10167168 >>10167411 >>10167841 >>10168530 >>10168534 >>10169252 >>10169661 >>10171439 >>10175903 >>10177773 >>10177781 >>10177782 >>10178118 >>10178464 >>10181570 >>10182080 >>10184168 >>10184535 >>10184542 >>10189016 >>10189605 >>10190704 >>10191968 >>10192176 >>10196450 >>10199683 >>10200625 >>10200976 >>10201323 >>10201420 >>10201921 >>10202785 >>10204516 >>10205542 >>10206584 >>10206933 >>10208892 >>10209818 >>10210426 >>10211521 >>10212714 >>10213214 >>10215193 >>10215246 >>10216253 >>10216625 >>10216779 >>10217568 >>10218234 >>10219710 >>10224581 >>10225822 >>10228103 >>10228755 >>10228825 >>10235518 >>10240641 >>10240940 >>10240956 >>10241507 >>10241532 >>10250169 >>10250738 >>10259212 >>10271611
If you have the Green ID you have contracted Frog Virus or Amphibian-19!
You must quarantine yourself immediately!
Symptoms of Frog Virus may include being a dum-dum and saying rude or mean things!
You must quarantine yourself immediately!
Symptoms of Frog Virus may include being a dum-dum and saying rude or mean things!