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I come to you in my hour of need

No.10166190 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello /pol/
I am in need of advice.
Long story short, I've been in a relationship with this girl for a few months now. She used to use /soc/. At first I thought,
>oh no big deal how bad could it be
but i just reverse image searched one of her nudes and I got one of the threads she posted in.I found the name she went by at the time, this is about x years ago. Turns out, its really fucking bad /pol/. I've opened Pandora's Box after searching her handle.Not only was she super active camwhoring (photos so far, no videos, would just take requests, nothing more then tits or ass was really posted that I've seen now) on /soc/ but she was a fucking KNOWN poster who posted 25+ pics per thread, and would be in threads sometimes no more then two days apart. (you fucking coomers most likely have seen her, hell thinking back about it, I've def seen one of these pics floating around a few years a back, I prob even fapped to it) There are threads where men literally worship this woman, we are talking 10/10 fucking body here guys.
I literally would kill a motherfucker for this shit. While we have been talking i found out she is super political (she browses /pol/ from time to time, right wing nationalist), I was currently in the process of NatSoc pilling her, having her listen to Mien Kampf, which she is apparently loving (she is actually listening to it, i quiz her on it every day) She appears to have actually changed her ways, she had a bf when we met and left his ass for me, but jesus fucking christ /pol/ after finding these fucking threads, I just dont know anymore. Should I give this a shot still? It'll be hard to overlook this. I suspect she has lied to me about her number of partners but she hasn't lied (to the best of my knowledge) about anything else. But when she brought up her past 4chan history, she made it seem like it wasn't that bad, she was honest, but downplayed it really hard.