>>10170139Your objection is 2400 years late.
First of all you need to understand yourself with the concept of Divine Simplicity.
Because as long as you think of God as some kind of powerful alien, some cosmic superhero like Thor or Zeus or even Santa Claus, you are starting with wrong assumptions and obviously you will end up with wrong conclusions.
God is not a magic creature. In fact, he isn't a creature at all. He is the creator and everything else is created by him. This means that God isn't dependent/contingent on anything. For example if God were blue, that would mean that color needs to exist "before" God, that color is more fundamental.
But that would just introduce the question of why God is blue, what made him that way. What composed him in such a way.
That goes for any feature, for any constraint. Thus God is not constraint by or dependent on or contingent upon anything. He isn't this way or that way. He just is.
Now: If God isn't in any way, it still leaves the question whether God is or isn't, whether he exists at all.
I answer: God is being/existence itself. It isn't possible for him to not exist, because "being" is "what he is". It is his essence. Just like triangles necessarily have 3 sides, God necessarily exists. Because that is what existence does, it exists.
Can we then say anything about him at all? Of course!
He is omnipresent, because he isn't constrained by space. Like how math is not here or there, God isn't here or there.
Similar argumentation applies to his eternity, his immutability, his perfection (lack of potentials) and so on.
Now all of that sounds really abstract, more like a principle, a law. But: God must've acted, he must've created complex things, which proves his agency. Indeed he creates now by actualizing the world in every moment.
Furthermore he only created some things, not everything. Which means he decided, showing his wisdom.
Would God create something he hates? Wouldn't make sense. Therefore, God is loving.