>>10193759if you wanna be gay go for it, with that said the only way i've know to lose gayness (im being legit here) is to much fuck and have realtionships with girls make it a point, do it alot and you'll condition yourself to liking girls. it worked for a friend i knew no shit. A problem you have is openly coming out cause even if you start liking girls and become more bi than anything, theres no un-telling people. Unless you wanna comvince family,church,friends,coworkers etc but fuck that noise I wouldn't go to the lengths to tell them shit if they don't appretiate you for you in the first place. This is coming from someone who is bi-curious and a solid "fuck off" usually helps when people give me shit im just done with peoples shit so it doesnt faze me. Do something to help your self image and how you hold yourself it seems like you have a problem with who YOU are u know? for my I stay /fit/ and really feel better seeing that im in great physical form. Makes me feel miles better when some chubby or skinny lanlet calls me gay, its like "dude im twice ur size and could kick ur ass i dont give a fuck". Not saying you gotta be /fit/ but find something that lifts your spirits up whether that be improving your body or doing a hobby. In the end improve YOURSELF anyone who says otherwise is either jelous, too scared and confused to accept you, or just ignorant. I hope this helped OP, have a good rest of your weekend.