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Leave Japan

ID:n2OLTEue No.10207460 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Seriously when are you weebs gonna stop leaving your country and moving to Japan just cause "muh Anime" or "muh Jpop". I always thought this was a problem with Americans specifically the most but I am noticing it more and more with westerners in general as a whole.

Do you guys seriously think that Japan wants your asses over there? They wouldnt accept me either, not that I want to move there because I dont wanna live in a overcrowded Tsunami infested Island.

Do you seriously think an over conservative work obsessed country like Japan is gonna accept you losers? They hate immigrants more than any other country in the world.

Seriously guys grow the fuck up and break out of the fantasy Japan is not anime grow the fuck up and stop wishing you could go there because "muh Anime" or "muh Jpop" or "muh manga" or muh Japanese girls that i can race mix with just STFU stupid weeaboos nobody gives a fuck. You are not entitled to be in someone else's country Japan belongs to the Japanese not weeaboos who just like anime or want to groom Japanese girls into having sex with them. You are an alien and a guest in their country and when you visit or move there you must learn the language learn the culture and follow the social rules this goes for any country not just Japan.