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Quoted By: >>10232643 >>10232674
"The inhabitants of the zones that are far from temperate...are also farther removed from being temperate in all their conditions. Their buildings are of clay and reeds. Their foodstuffs are durra and herbs. Their clothing is the leaves of trees, which they sew together to cover themselves, or animal skins. Most of them go naked. The fruits and and seasonings of their countries are strange and inclined to be intemperate. In their business dealings, they do not use the two noble metals, but copper, iron, or skins...Their qualities of character, moreover are close to those of dumb animals. It has even been reported that most of the Blacks of the first zone dwell in caves and thickets, eat herbs, live in savage isolation and do not congregate, and eat each other. The same applies to the Slavs. The reason for this is that their remoteness from being temperate produces in them a disposition and character similar to those of the dumb animals, and they become correspondingly remote from humanity. All their conditions are remote from those of human beings and close to those of wild animals." t. Ahmad Ibn Fadhlan, Arab adventurer