It is both, at once, the fact that they are vapid whores, and snakes that can both benefit from being a victim, and also be treated, even in the worst situation, as a cherished creature worthy of special attentions. This is combined with that at least on my end I have been stabbed in the back more times than I can count on one hand by choosing to fall for the misguided idea that they are emotionally on par with myself, or even better, more capable of handling emotion like I was told over and over again, growing up.
They will, by and large, without blinking tell you they love you and caress you with one hand while hoisting a poisoned knife in the other to destroy you so they may move on to the next, more convenient host. There’s always a bigger dick, a bigger wallet, harder abs, or more social clout that they will lust for, and of course any good man will believe that he is in fact the one for her, and the cycle continues.
All of this knowledge must also be internalized, because the way society works, and what it demands out of me. I cannot cry out, because at that very moment I will have shown weakness, and if there is anything that will chase the modern woman away it is the perception of weakness. They will lie to you and tell you that they want a man that can express emotions, but that isn’t entirely correct. They want to -see- a man break down so they can fulfill a false sense of mothering, but they will absolutely never see you as a potential mate EVER again. There’s a lot of anger I have for sure, and I really try to just swallow it down and keep moving, and I try not to let it consume me so that one day I don’t explode on the one woman that might not be damaging to me, but it is so difficult to suppress now, an any recent relationship I’ve had has been tainted from square one. I can’t trust a bitch and so I’ll probably just shove the unicorn of my life away without even knowing it someday.
Anyways, that’s why I can’t stand women.