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134KiB, 900x675, 900px-Save-Yourself-from-Toxic-People-Step-14.jpg
Quoted By: >>10269694 >>10269696 >>10269697 >>10269706 >>10269707 >>10269709 >>10269711 >>10269714 >>10269715 >>10269716 >>10269720 >>10269724 >>10269728 >>10269730 >>10269733 >>10269737 >>10269738 >>10269741 >>10269743 >>10269753 >>10269755 >>10269760 >>10269761 >>10269763 >>10269766 >>10269769 >>10269774 >>10269777 >>10269778 >>10269785 >>10269790 >>10269794 >>10269799 >>10269803 >>10269804 >>10269819 >>10269822 >>10269831 >>10269836 >>10269853 >>10269863 >>10269886 >>10269890 >>10269899 >>10269929 >>10270796
I'm Italian and I won't rate mine, since it sounds just like information vehicule to me
>Shit Tier:
Dutch & Flemish, take every bad sound of English and German and merge it together, there you go;
Bengalese, Hindi, seriously, fuck you;
Ooga booga languages.
>Bad tier:
Romanian, sounds like the unwanted child between Russian and Spanish;
>Not so good tier:
Spanish, very bland;
Chinese, too much Ching Chong;
>OK tier:
English (although so satisfying to speak)
every slavic language
>Cool tier
Portuguese, very rough, direct to the point;
German, just wonderful sounding;
Russian, omg yeahhh
Japanese, although points loss for anime culture.
>Shit Tier:
Dutch & Flemish, take every bad sound of English and German and merge it together, there you go;
Bengalese, Hindi, seriously, fuck you;
Ooga booga languages.
>Bad tier:
Romanian, sounds like the unwanted child between Russian and Spanish;
>Not so good tier:
Spanish, very bland;
Chinese, too much Ching Chong;
>OK tier:
English (although so satisfying to speak)
every slavic language
>Cool tier
Portuguese, very rough, direct to the point;
German, just wonderful sounding;
Russian, omg yeahhh
Japanese, although points loss for anime culture.