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In the future

ID:CuH1K6mV No.10273250 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
In the future, they will have robots that have realistic skin and features, that which will mimic anything to impossible detail.

They will have made AI that can emulate an existence perfectly, so that anything can be made real, even video game characters or characters from animes.

Weeaboos and lonely people will be able to order their waifus online and then activate them in house, and they will have the same voice, personality and tendancies that the real thing will. Every hikkikomori and neet will have their actual waifu with them in reality. They will never feel loneliness again, mentally or sexually, and it'll solve their life problems as well.

The need to cook and clean will also be solved, as these robots will be able to take care of these tasks at no expense to themselves, as the robots will also be self cleaning and will never dirty.

But this is a future that is far, far off. and the Reality of the matter is that nobody will ever truly have their waifu, and that they will always be alone until they learn to let go and fix themselves.