I always wondered how amanita phalloides tastes like; if I ever feel like trying out I'll make sure to stream and y'all [bnat] are invited except R**mu and the other drunk- K*nae-
>>10302758I'm clean today, yesterday I took less ephedrine but the whole weaning off takes 4 or so days and 2 weeks to get even close to baseline
>I've been thinking about stuff that gives you couple hours to livehai, I can do 10 when I could do 5 per rep, but I only do like 2 on forest playground (takes me 10 minutes for arms to heal before I can do another rep)
hands to me is biceps, hands from me is for triceps and back and chest to some extent (depending on how apart the arms are, just like wide pushups and narrow pushups and diamonds)
that's the problem with rest days, if I see I'm not capable of doing much one day I just take it as a rest day, usually it's because I'm sick and can't go past 40% of standard workout routine
yes it would be weird, but then again people always tell me to relax as they see me in uncomfortable positions or whatever, also; my personality is very stiff (as a stiff muscle is ready to run my personality is always very sharp on what to say or do [usually nothing, even when I'm supposed to do something])
I actually watched kanta collection couple episodes in before I lost a large portion of my backlog, so in a sense shed fall in a sentimental part of r34 folders despite not seeing her episode (if she even has an episode in anime)