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What did Q mean by this?

No.10305793 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I think this post merits discussion.
>inb4 anti-Q posting
I understand that there are significant questions about Q's legitimacy, but save that for another thread. Focus on this post and act as if Q were real.

What is coming tomorrow?
He just posted it like and hour ago, well past 5:00 PM EST, which is usually the cutoff point for newsworthy things happening. We had tweets from multiple journos last week saying that this week is going to have some major shit happen. We saw Grenell hand-deliver a mysterious suitcase to Barr. Today it was said that that suitcase has the names of the ppl who unmasked Flynn's call w/ kislyak, however, Q has hinted that that was a misinfo canary trap AND I don't think that info would be "unleashing hell", there has to be more. So i ask again, whats coming tomorrow or this week?

If you arent up to speed on things i referenced, dont ask me for sources because i aint got time to give you all the things i referenced, learn 2 research, lurk moar, and get good.