>>1032902figure out what it'll take to move out. generally you will need
a) a place to live and
b) a means of getting money to sustain that
generally that means finding an apartment (maybe with roommates) and finding a job or other source of income.
break it down into smaller steps. at any point if you go "fuck, I can't do this" stop and ask yourself "what would it take to make this happen?" and "is there an easier way?"
hell, ask your parents for help. they want you to be on your own, right?
part of the trick is to make sure you do something toward that goal every day. whether it's looking at apartments online to see what they cost, looking at jobs online, looking at how you might get some schooling so you're not working at mcdick's forever, whatever. anything that's part of advancing that goal. even if it's just sorting through stuff in your room and getting rid of shit you don't want anymore so you don't have to cart it with you when you move.