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Kyle Odom & ((Martians)) - Meta Research

No.10347298 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
As a non-schizo anon, I dismissed the whole reptilian martians theory, but decided to look into it anyway just to see where the rabbit hole goes and it turns out there's a few things worth considering. Note, I don't have a theory or evidence to support any supposition, but it turns out there is actually a tenuous link between Martians and Jews, which I'm sure will come of no surprise.

I approached my this from two-fold:

>i. Historical motifs
The idea of Reptilian humanoids in pre-history and historical accounts
Such accounts are replete in a cross section of disparate cultures and times.
I will post, pics that I have - again it's very meta.

>ii. Claims of modern-day Martians
I discovered a highly bizzare 'joke' spoken of by non other than John Von Neumann who claimed that Martians came to earth in the early 1900s but decided not to stay, preferring instead to leave a colony of humans to 'guide' the human race.

He was part of a group of scientists, who were literally of 'god tier' intelligence and all born within a couple of streets of each other in Hungry and were ALL JEWISH and were all working on highly classified US projects including the nuclear weapons. Von Braun's mentor the father of rocketry Hermann Oberth made a strange claim which was never repudiated or challenged:

>"we cannot take credit for our record advancement in certain scientific fields alone. We have been helped." When asked by whom, he replied, "the peoples of other worlds."

Who was he referring to?

>The list of Hungarian Jewish 'Martian' scientists who worked for the US on top secret projects.
Paul Erdős, Paul Halmos, Theodore von Kármán, John G. Kemeny, John von Neumann, George Pólya, Leó Szilárd, Edward Teller, and Eugene Wigner

Remember the old quip by Chaucer,
>'Many a true word is spoken in jest'

Lets dig in, destroy the claim or find out where it goes...