>>10354353that's exactly how you should make whoever is selling you a car, or a house feel though.
She did exactly right.
When I bought my car, I did so much research and had alternative analysis and had a stack of papers to show them other places I could get other things, but I wanted the extended full coverage warranty for free. I'd be willing to pay more, but I wanted the extended full coverage warranty for free. if ANYTHING happens to the car I'm buying, I'm not fucked, you're fixing it. I wanted the peace of mind.
I probably dealt with the car guy on two separate days, and I have never seen him since. With purchases like cars and houses, one time purchases for 4 figures and up, Fuck yeah, make them fucking hate your guts by how much of a pain in the ass negotiation it is.
You're the one paying. They are the ones trying to sell. The worst they can do is tell you to get lost, in which case you can always find another seller. If YOU are the one getting fucked, then it's hundreds possibly thousands, possibly tens of thousands of dollars you are getting fucked out of.
So yeah, sorry Nick, but playing two car salesmen off of each other is exactly what should have happened.