Normalfags are not necessarily people who are popular, have a lot of friends, or get along well in life. Normalfags are people who have never had any serious problems, faced any sort of adversity, or achieved anything worthwhile. They latch onto whatever's popular and broadcast their vain and stupid opinions everywhere in an attempt to disguise it. They will always only speak in "nice" terms, and shrink from any criticism or banter, blocking people and/or decrying it as "hateful" or "trolling". But catch them off guard and they will display a shocking level of loathing and vitriol that the trolls they despise couldn't even fathom, much less act upon.
They do this because deep inside, they know that they have nothing to offer anyone, and they are deathly afraid this will be discovered. SoThey project all their mental deficiencies and insecurities on the people they hate as a distraction from their own terrible personalities. They advocate for censorship, hate speech laws, sometimes even extremist ideologies, because they are so afraid that they might actually have to go through real hardship one day, and are willing to do virtually anything to stave that day off.
Normalfags are not normal people. Normalfags are people who see people different from themselves mentally, and hate it, because those people are far more interesting than themselves. So they try to change those peoples opinions into their own, or dispose of them, because it's not what they see as acceptable behavior - its not "normal".